Lazy pies with green onions and eggs - quick, fluffy and tender. Lazy pies with egg and green onions Lifehack lazy onion pies with egg

Everyone in our family loves yeast dough pies with green onions and eggs. But the process of preparing them is quite long. Recently, I have adapted to making lazy pies with onions and eggs using kefir; you can also call them pancakes with filling. They turn out, of course, not as airy as real pies, but they are quick and also very tasty.


for test:

  • 1 glass of warm kefir (250 ml)
  • 1 raw egg
  • 200-230 g flour
  • 1 tsp. without a slide of soda
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • pinch of sugar

For filling:

  • 30 g green onions
  • 2 boiled eggs


Finely chop the green onions.

Cut two boiled eggs into small cubes.

Pour the soda into the kefir, stir and wait until the soda is completely extinguished (the kefir stops fizzing).

Add flour, egg, salt and sugar.

Mix and get a fairly thick dough. It should be a little thicker than regular pancakes, i.e. it should not flow freely from a spoon.
Control the amount of flour yourself. It is impossible to indicate its weight with an accuracy of a gram, since kefir can be of different thicknesses, and eggs of different sizes, but the dough must be thick.

Pour in the filling - green onions and eggs, mix again and get this dough for lazy pies:

We will bake in vegetable oil in a well-heated frying pan. But the fire should be low so that the lazy pies are well baked inside without burning.
Take the dough with a wet spoon, place it in a frying pan and give it an oval shape. We dip a spoon in a glass of water before each pie, then the dough does not stick to it and is laid out in the pan without any problems.

When one side is browned, turn the pies over to the other side and cover the pan with a lid to ensure that the center is baked.

I hope you also enjoy this recipe for quick lazy green onion and egg pies. They are delicious both warm and cold, especially with sweet tea or coffee.
With the same filling, only with the addition of butter, I make fried and baked pies from yeast dough. If you want such pies, then these recipes will help you:

And today I say goodbye to you. Good luck, kindness and good mood to everyone!

Always have fun cooking!

Smile! 🙂

Our Tanya is crying loudly...

Today I will cook lazy pies with green onions and eggs. They can be called a variety, which I talked about in the previous article. I used the same dough recipe as a basis, but added boiled eggs to the green onions. The pancakes turn out to be more satisfying and they really taste like pies with green onions and eggs. Therefore, they can rightfully be called lazy pies. I’ll also show you how you can not only fry such lazy pies in a frying pan, but also bake them in the oven on a baking sheet. I will need: flour, egg, kefir, salt, soda, green onions, boiled eggs and vegetable oil.

Ingredients :
flour - 200 gr
kefir (2.5%) – 200 ml
egg - 1 pc.
salt - 1/2 tsp.
soda 1/2 tsp.
green onions - 60 gr
boiled eggs - 2 pcs.
vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp. l.

I have already prepared the green onions. I cleaned it, washed it and cut it. I talked about how to prepare onions for cooking in the article.

I crushed the eggs. They can be chopped with a knife, grated or simply mashed with a fork in a cup. Today I decided to grate them.

Then I will combine the eggs with the onion and mix. And then I'll do the test.

I broke an egg into a cup. It needs to be whipped. This can be done with a whisk, but it is also convenient to use a regular fork. I'll add kefir at room temperature. I took it out of the refrigerator in advance. I’ll add salt, baking soda and mix. Then I’ll add sifted flour in small portions and mix. The resulting dough has a fairly thick and viscous consistency.

All that remains is to add the onion and eggs and mix well again. The filling is ready.

I'll put a dry frying pan on the stove to warm up. I poured one tablespoon of unrefined sunflower oil into a hot frying pan and spread it over the surface. Do not heat the pan too much to prevent the oil from burning. I will place one tablespoon of batter into the pan in the form of pancakes and fry over medium, moderate heat. The pies rise well, increase in volume and smell very tasty.

Once they are browned on one side, I flip them over to the other side and brown the other side as well. The pies turn out tender, soft, airy and aromatic. They are good both hot and cold. This is an excellent option for the garden, when you can pick a fresh onion from the garden and very quickly prepare such a tasty dish.

I'll finish baking the rest of the pies in the oven. To do this, I turned on the oven to warm up. I'll put the rest of the dough on the baking sheet. I have a non-stick baking tray. You can use a regular baking sheet, grease it with vegetable oil. I'll put the pies in the oven and bake them at 180 degrees.

The pies are baked for 15-20 minutes. I removed them from the baking sheet and placed them on a plate.
Baked pies may seem less attractive in appearance than fried ones, but if the goal is not to fry, then this is a completely acceptable option. Baked pies do not taste as juicy; they are more like flatbread or pita bread. They can be used instead of bread.
Once you try these lazy pies, it’s hard to tear yourself away

Enjoy your meal!

Good day to all!!!

Today I will treat you to pies, although the pies will be lazy ones with green onions and eggs. For lazy pies, I need kefir, a raw chicken egg, baking soda (or baking powder), salt, 2-3 boiled eggs and a small bunch of green onions.

I heat the kefir until warm, I do it in the microwave. Add 1/3 teaspoon of soda to warm kefir, mix and leave for 5-10 minutes so that the soda reacts with kefir

This is very clearly visible on the surface of the kefir, bubbles appear and the kefir becomes very airy. At this time, I peel the eggs, wash and chop the green onions. Add a raw egg to the air kefir and mix

Sift half the flour (in total I need about 1.5 cups), mix

Add chopped onion

then chopped boiled eggs

Stir again and add salt to taste. I sift the remaining flour gradually and stir, looking at the consistency of the dough. The dough should be like regular pancakes

I let the finished dough rest for 5-10 minutes. At this time, I put the frying pan on the stove with odorless vegetable oil and heat it up. Place a tablespoon of the dough into the heated oil and fry the pies under the lid on one side; once they are browned, turn them over and fry without the lid.

I put it on a paper towel. All that remains is to pour some tea or some cold milk, whichever you prefer, and serve the pies to the table. Very tasty and fluffy, and most importantly quick pies

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Ingredients for lazy green onion and egg pies

For the test:

- 500 ml kefir,
- 2 eggs,
- 1 tsp. soda,
- 2 cups of flour.

For filling:

- 3 eggs,
- a bunch of green onions.

- vegetable oil,
- salt.

How to cook with photos step by step

To prepare the dough, mix in a bowl, add kefir, then immediately eggs, soda and salt to taste. Instead of kefir, you can also use yogurt; with it, lazy pies will turn out more fluffy.

2. Mix the above ingredients to obtain a homogeneous mass.

3. Add flour in two or three additions. The dough needs to be quite thick so that the lazy pies hold their shape well.

4. Leave the finished dough alone for 10-15 minutes.

5. Meanwhile, boil the eggs intended for the filling. Then cool them, peel them and cut them into small cubes.

6. Wash the green onions, remove excess moisture and finely chop.

7. Add chopped onions and eggs to the dough; the amount of these ingredients should look approximately equal. Add a little salt to taste.

8. Carefully mix the filling into the dough, do this briefly so that you don’t get a homogeneous porridge.

9. In a frying pan with well-heated vegetable oil, begin to place small lazy pies. I'm sure you'll like these too.

10. Fry on both sides until beautiful, golden brown.

11. I stack the finished lazy pies on a large platter. I serve them slightly cooled, so they are not much different from real pies!
Bon appetit!

Sometimes in life it happens that you don’t have the time or desire to stand at the stove for a long time, but you need to feed unexpected guests with something. In such a situation, you will be saved by the lazy ones, who will be presented in today’s article.

Option with yeast

This original and simple treat will pleasantly surprise your loved ones. It is prepared in literally half an hour. To make lazy yeast pies with eggs and green onions, you need to inspect the contents of your kitchen cabinets in advance.

Usually housewives do not need to run to the store, since almost every home always has:

  • 300 grams of wheat flour.
  • A tablespoon of dry yeast and granulated sugar.
  • One fresh egg.
  • Half a liter of water.
  • A teaspoon of salt.
  • Vegetable oil.

For the filling you will need green onions, table salt and eight chicken eggs. The latter must be boiled first.


It should be noted that according to this recipe you can quickly and without much hassle prepare hearty lazy pies with onions and eggs. In one bowl combine sugar, salt, yeast, raw egg and sifted flour. Mix everything thoroughly and add heated water. The result is a liquid dough, which is placed in a warm place for ten minutes.

At this time you can start filling. To do this, combine finely chopped boiled eggs and green onions in one bowl. Add some salt to the resulting mass and mix well.

Since lazy pies with onions and eggs will be fried, you first need to heat a frying pan greased with vegetable oil, and only then can you put the dough on it. When the edges of the flatbread are slightly browned, place the filling in the middle and fill it with a small amount of dough. After a minute, the products are turned over and fried on the other side.

Another recipe for lazy pies with onions and eggs

It will take very little time to prepare this treat. In addition, for this you need to stock up on a minimum set of products, most of which are always available in every kitchen. This time your arsenal should include:

  • 120 milliliters of sour cream.
  • Four fresh eggs.
  • Half a liter of kefir.
  • A teaspoon of slaked soda.

If desired, the latter can be replaced with baking powder. In addition, the above list must be supplemented with wheat flour, salt, pepper, green onions and vegetable oil.

First of all, you should do the test. To prepare it, beat two raw chicken eggs with salt in one bowl. Then sour cream and kefir are sent to them. Mix everything thoroughly and begin to slowly add flour with baking powder or soda. The result should be a slightly runny dough. The consistency should be similar to that from which regular pancakes are baked.

At the very end, a filling made from two boiled chopped eggs and chopped green onions is added to the resulting dough. Mix everything thoroughly again and start frying. To do this, spoon the resulting mass onto a frying pan greased with vegetable oil. The browned laziest pies with onions and eggs are turned over, fried on the other side and served.

Option with cottage cheese

The total preparation time for this dish is about one hour. So that your family can enjoy these pies, you need to check the contents of your own pantry in advance and, if necessary, go to the nearest store for the missing ingredients. This time you should have:

  • 350 grams of wheat flour.
  • One and a half tablespoons of sugar.
  • 250 grams of homemade cottage cheese.
  • 100 milliliters of vegetable oil.
  • One and a half teaspoons of baking powder.
  • Six fresh chicken eggs.

Plus, it is advisable to expand this list a little. Additionally, add salt, ground pepper, a bunch of green onions and one egg yolk.

Process description

In one bowl combine homemade cottage cheese, a couple of eggs, sugar and salt. Grind everything thoroughly and pour in vegetable oil. Sifted flour and baking powder are gradually added to the resulting mass. The resulting dough, which does not stick to your hands, is transferred to a clean container and briefly put in a warm place.

In the meantime, you can start filling. To do this, combine chopped boiled eggs and chopped onions in one bowl. Salt, pepper and mix everything thoroughly. The dough is divided into small identical pieces and kneaded. Place the filling in the center of each flatbread and seal the edges well. Future lazy pies with onions and eggs are placed on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil and sent to the oven, heated to one hundred and ninety degrees. After about thirty minutes, the delicacy is removed from the oven and served.