How to eat mussels in oil. Mussels in oil, benefits and harms, ready-made in jars. The benefits of mussels for weight loss

There are no comrades in taste and color! And this is especially true for nutrition. Some people really like “artichokes”, while others will happily eat “lemon” and will not react in any way to its increased acidity. Not everyone will like even the most common buckwheat porridge or, for example, kiwi. But what then can we say about specific products? About shrimp, squid, mussels?

Seafood is full of healthy vitamins and minerals, but a lot of people can't stand them. Maybe they should change their minds and listen to the advice of nutritionists? Or is it not worth it? In our article you will learn all about the benefits and harms of mussels, and whether you should eat them at least once a week or not.


Mussels are considered a very healthy, high-quality protein. It contains phosphatides, which have a positive effect on liver function. It also contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, which must be present in the daily diet of any person. It is these substances that are responsible for the proper functioning of the brain and visual apparatus.

What else do they contain?

  • copper;
  • cobalt;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • amino acids;
  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6);
  • vitamin D;
  • vitamin E;
  • microelements;
  • macronutrients.

The benefits of mussels for the human body

Mussels are a natural antioxidant that contains many nutrients. This protein contains not only vitamins, but also amino acids, which are very important for human health. They are also useful because:

  • reduce the risk of blood diseases;
  • reduce the risk of cancer;
  • fight arthritis;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • boost the immune system;
  • help strengthen the nervous system;
  • stimulate the process of hematopoiesis;
  • increase body tone;
  • improve digestion;
  • give the body enough protein.

Indeed, the benefits of mussels are more than enough. And it is very strange that many people have a very bad attitude towards seafood, because in fact they all contain only beneficial vitamins and minerals that will help the body work more smoothly.

The benefits and harms of mussels for women and men

If we talk about the specific benefits of mussels for men or women, then there are several aspects that are worth considering.

For example, for men the benefits are as follows:

  • activate muscle function;
  • increase tone;
  • restore nerve connections;
  • have a positive effect on testosterone;
  • have a beneficial effect on the entire genitourinary system;
  • improve potency and spermatogenesis;
  • have a positive effect on the genetic code;
  • improve the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • improve memory.

For women they will be useful in the following cases:

  • balance hormonal levels;
  • the presence of folic acid affects the general condition of the female body;
  • in some cases useful during lactation and pregnancy (but only under the supervision of doctors);
  • improve the functioning of the digestive system;
  • have a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • improve skin condition;
  • accelerate hair growth and restore it;
  • accelerate nail growth and restore them.

Benefits for children:

  • a healthy source of protein that affects cell formation;
  • useful for the development and strengthening of tissues;
  • Potassium and phosphorus in the composition are useful for normalizing processes in the children's body.

Harm and side effects

  1. Should not be used by those who have problems with blood clotting.
  2. The risk of side effects awaits people prone to allergic reactions.
  3. Excessive consumption will negatively affect kidney function.
  4. Mussels purchased from an unknown and untested place can be harmful due to toxins and poisons that accumulate in sea water. Buy seafood only from trusted stores.
  5. Self-harvested mussels can also be harmful due to the problem described above. They should not be eaten without cleaning and rinsing under running water.
  6. They will harm those who suffer from kidney failure and allergy sufferers. Even if you are not one of the latter, if you have eaten too many of these things, you may also experience an allergic reaction.

Harm certainly occurs, but in order to avoid it, you should be more careful when purchasing and consuming this delicacy. The mussel meat itself is only beneficial, given that it is a high-quality protein. It is recommended to be given to children, as well as to be eaten by women and men to stabilize health and prevent many diseases.

How to choose

Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine the taste of shellfish based on the size, color and quality of the shell, so the question of choosing them becomes a little more difficult. They can be sold both live and frozen. Mussels are also sold in brine, but this option is only verified by the date on the package and “trust” in the store where you buy them.

There is no way you can choose a frozen delicacy, and there is also a question of trust here. Buy, try and choose the option that resonates most with you. But as for live shellfish, there are several rules:

  • the sink should not have cracks, should be smooth and without visible damage;
  • the sink should be closed - this means that it is fresh;
  • the shell opens with a click - this also indicates its freshness;
  • the color of the mollusk is white or slightly pinkish;
  • a fresh shellfish will always “react” to a knock on the shell;
  • mussels should smell like the sea.

How to store

It is better to store mussels frozen or no more than a day after cooking in the refrigerator. If they are in brine, they can be stored for up to two to three days, but in this case it is better to always pay attention to the expiration date indicated on the package.

Dosage and how to use

100 grams contain 172 calories, of which protein 24 g, carbohydrates 7 g, fat 4.5 g. There is no consensus on the amount that should be consumed per day, so it is worth considering the fact how much protein you have already eaten that day . The amount of protein in 100 grams is half the daily protein requirement.

If you eat shellfish in brine, keep in mind that this increases the calorie content and therefore the dosage is slightly reduced. There is no need to open the shellfish - they will open on their own when cooked. You need to eat them with a fork, carefully removing the meat from the shell.

A mollusk that lives in both sea and river water, looking like a shell with two valves - this is a mussel. Mussels live in both cold and warm waters throughout all areas of the Earth. The shell in which the mussel lives is oval in shape, flattened on one side.

The body of the mollusk itself is a muscle that closes the shell valves and the mantle that envelops it. The weight of mussel meat used for food is on average 15 grams.

How they live

Sea mussels prefer to cling to the seabed or rock. A special organ that provides “fastening” produces sticky mucus. River mussels do not have such a gland.

The breathing function of mollusks is provided by the siphon. From the water it draws in, the mussel receives oxygen through its gills. Through the siphon, the mollusk receives food by sifting through small organisms in the water with its mouth.

This function of mussels (in 24 hours, the settlement of mollusks filters almost 300 cubic meters of water per 1 sq. m) allows them to be considered a natural hydrofilter.

One of the main conditions for safe harvesting of mussels is associated with this unique feature.

Shellfish must be removed away from environmentally unsafe areas of the water surface. If it is desirable to catch large specimens, the place for catching them should be quiet places, far from crowded places.

Data currently indicates a decline in mussel populations. Man, not wanting to limit himself in consuming this delicacy, actively began breeding these mollusks in specialized nurseries.

The benefits and harms of mussels for the body

Shellfish meat is a storehouse of protein and amino acids and contains a minimum of fats and carbohydrates.

This thesis is confirmed by the chemical structure of mussel meat, which contains:

  • boron, cobalt, sulfur, manganese, magnesium, potassium, sodium, selenium, calcium, iodine, phosphorus, iron, which are necessary to ensure the uninterrupted functioning of the human body;
  • B vitamins, including B1, B2, pyridoxine, thiamine, folic and pantothenic acids, niacin, thiamine, riboflavin and others;
  • vitamins A, E, C, D, including retinol, ascorbic acid, tocopherol;
  • niacin acid PP;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6, necessary for hematopoiesis and maintaining immunity;
  • glycogen, which controls blood sugar and is therefore essential for people with diabetes;
  • ash;
  • a large amount of water.

As we see, mussels can harm only those people who have forgotten the famous saying of the famous physician Paracelsus, who lived in the Middle Ages - “Everything is poison and everything is medicine - only a dose makes it both.”

About the usefulness of shellfish

A simple listing of the beneficial qualities of mussel meat illustrates the need to include it in your diet:

  • after two weeks of eating the delicacy, easily digestible calcium makes nails strong and hair healthy;
  • in combination with medications prescribed by a doctor, maintains sufficient bone strength, relieves joint pain, and prevents arthritis;
  • cholesterol is removed in the form of plaques by the bloodstream caused by the presence of potassium-magnesium;
  • antioxidants included in mussel meat help rid the body of salts, radionuclides and toxic compounds;
  • human tone increases, including increased potency in men; women are protected from unpleasant consequences during the menstrual cycle;
  • there is confirmed data on the successful fight against the development of malignant tumors;
  • accelerates metabolic processes, which makes it possible to use mussels for weight loss.

When are mussels harmful?

A few points that need to be taken into account to prevent damage to your health:

  • Those with poor blood clotting should not eat mussels;
  • do not eat mussels collected near environmentally unfavorable objects - ports, marinas, berths;
  • in case of individual intolerance, i.e. allergies to mussel meat

Mussels in the diet of pregnant women

Taking into account the chemical composition of the shellfish, it is possible to determine the benefits of mussel meat for pregnant women.

It has the following properties necessary for the full formation of the fetus:

  • easy digestibility of seafood;
  • the presence of almost all elements of the periodic table;
  • contains a large amount of protein, which is especially necessary for the full development of the child’s body;
  • The presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids in seafood contributes to the proper course of pregnancy.

Considering the benefits and harms of mussel meat, mothers should refrain from eating them during the lactation period so as not to provoke allergies in the child.

If we analyze the benefits and harms of boiled mussels, it must be stated that the best method of processing shellfish is boiling.

Moreover, whether there is any benefit in frozen mussels can be found out by using the most popular method of cooking shellfish: frozen mussels are kept in boiling water for 120 seconds until the shells open, rinsed, and heat-treated again.

With this method of preparation, including frozen mussels, all the wonderful qualities of mussels that we previously noted were preserved as much as possible.

It must be emphasized that freshly caught mussels are most beneficial when consumed raw, but we must not forget about the ability of mussels to accumulate harmful substances when they pass through them.

When assessing the benefits and harms of preserved mussels, we must remember that when choosing a preserved product, it is worth purchasing these seafood in brine, thus eliminating the possibility of the presence of unhealthy ingredients.


Mussels are the most delicious and healthy sea gift for a person and, taking into account their quality, as well as the absence of allergies, they will saturate the human body with very useful substances.

Photo of mussels

Mussels are bivalve mollusks that live in salty waters throughout the Earth. This animal can be found both in warm and cold waters. Their shape resembles ovals, slightly flattened. The surface of the shell is hard and smooth. Only the flesh of the shellfish is eaten. The average weight of the animal is 15 g. The taste of shellfish is a bit like the taste of chicken.

Mussels contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. At the same time, they have a low calorie content, which is only 77 kcal. Therefore, they can be called a dietary product with full responsibility.

Mussels contain more than 20 polyunsaturated amino acids. Quite a large number of microelements and vitamins: PP, B, D, and E. The product is almost completely free of carbohydrates and fats; in fact, it is pure protein.

There is so much protein in mussels that its content makes the product better than fish and meat. For this reason, shellfish are very beneficial for humans.

Mussels beneficial properties, vitamins and minerals

Cobalt, which shellfish are rich in, is of great value. This chemical element stimulates the functioning of all organs. Glycogen contained in shellfish helps cope with the symptoms of diabetes and control blood sugar levels.

But the most important thing is that mussels contain the optimal amount of fatty substances: Omega-6 and 3. It is these fats that stimulate the process of hematopoiesis and strengthen the immune system.

Scientists have conducted many studies and were able to establish that regular consumption of shellfish helps prevent the development of arthritis and cancer. They help remove toxins and prevent the aging process. However, it was found that animals that live in polluted waters contain saxitoxin, which is an extremely dangerous element for the human body. If the mussels live in running water, then this substance could not be detected in their composition.

The benefits of mussels for women

For the fair half of humanity, mussels are useful because they contain a huge amount of iron. It is this element that improves mood and helps to easily cope with PMS.

Shellfish help keep the skin of the face and body in good condition and prevent premature aging. Polyunsaturated acids are beneficial for hair and nails.

The benefits of mussels for men

The strong half of humanity can increase muscle mass with the help of mussels. After using them, a lot of energy appears and fatigue practically disappears.

For men, shellfish will also help increase libido and strength, thanks to their rich zinc and iodine content. This product is also an aphrodisiac, although it has a slight stimulating effect.

Eating mussels during pregnancy and breastfeeding

On the other hand, mussels are perfectly digestible by the human body, even when compared with lamb or pork. At the same time, marine life is highly nutritious.

For these reasons, in the absence of an allergy to mussels, they can still be consumed, but in small quantities and with great regard for the quality of the product purchased.

Can children eat mussels?

As for mothers, mussels are a strong allergen for children. Therefore, their introduction can be started only after consultation with a pediatrician.

Before the age of 3, it is definitely necessary to stop introducing this product into the diet.

Are mussels good for weight loss?

Mussels are an ideal dietary product. With a minimum calorie content, they allow you to quickly get enough and contain virtually no fat. There are two popular diets based on these shellfish: “Mediterranean” and “Monodiet”.

In the latter case, we are talking about a diet that involves eating exclusively seafood. The duration of such a diet cannot exceed 4 days. The process of losing weight on such a diet is rapid. Therefore, it is very important, after its completion, not to lose your temper and eat properly, without overeating or abusing “harmful” foods.

The Mediterranean diet does not imply such strict restrictions; in addition to mussels, you can eat other seafood, durum wheat pasta, and vegetables. The main rule is to maintain a daily dose of 1400 kcal.

Eating mussels for diabetes

If you have diabetes, there are no restrictions regarding the consumption of shellfish. The fact is that they have a zero glycemic index. For this reason, mussels do not cause a jump in glucose; sugar does not rise at all after consumption.

The benefits of mussels for athletes

For people leading a sports lifestyle, mussels are almost irreplaceable. When consumed, you can increase muscle mass. You can replenish lost protein with the help of these marine inhabitants.

Mussels are low-calorie and prevent the development of heart and vascular diseases. They help strengthen bones and are an effective means of quickly restoring strength.

Are mussels in oil healthy?

You shouldn't get carried away with shellfish cooked in oil. This dish is high in calories. It is best to drain all the oil to obtain a dietary product.

Usually, when talking about mussels in oil, we are talking about a canned product. And canned foods contain preservatives and other useless and even harmful components.

Is it possible to eat mussels every day

You should not consume more than half a kilogram of shellfish per week. If we talk about daily consumption, then we are talking about only 70 g.

How to cook mussels correctly

Shellfish are an exotic dish for our region. The benefits and taste of the dish depend on the correct preparation of the product.

After defrosting, the carcasses are washed under running water, always cold. Remove the shells (if the product is not cleaned) and rinse again, as there may be sand inside. The carcasses are thrown into a pan with salted water and spices. Cook over high heat for 5 to 7 minutes. The dish can be sprinkled with lemon juice.

Mussels go perfectly with white wine. You can add a sauce containing herbs, garlic and olive oil.

The shellfish can be grilled or barbecued. You won't get delicious fried mussels in a regular frying pan at home.

Before starting cooking, turn the grill to high heat and place the unpeeled mussels on the grill. They will quickly open, and in this form they should be kept on the fire for about 2 minutes. The finished product is removed from the grill and sprinkled with lemon juice.

Mussels harm and contraindications

First of all, those who are allergic to seafood should be careful with mussels.

A very important quality of mussels that you should pay attention to is the place where they are grown. The fact is that mollusks are a natural filter that passes through a huge amount of sea water throughout its life. For this reason, shellfish that lived in dirty waters accumulate a huge amount of harmful substances that can seriously harm the human body.

In nature there is a huge species diversity of mollusks. Some of them are especially dangerous for humans, as they contain substances that have a nerve-paralytic effect on humans. But I want to believe that such mollusks are not on sale.

If you find yourself in countries where shellfish fishing is carried out, it is better to refrain from consuming fresh product. When fresh, they can be toxic.

People who have problems with blood clotting or kidney disease will have to stop eating mussels.

How to select and store

When purchasing a seafood delicacy, pay attention to the shells. They must be solid and completely closed. If we are talking about a fresh product, then it should not have an unpleasant odor.

If you buy a frozen product, then inspect the package; it should not contain pieces of ice. If they are present, then most likely the mussels have already been thawed previously. Such shellfish should not end up on your table.

Frozen products can be stored until the expiration date indicated on the package. Fresh shellfish can be cooked instantly. Canned ones should be eaten within 24 hours from the moment the jar is opened.

A popular type of shellfish is mussels. They live in the sea. Today, due to high exports, mussels are grown artificially on farms. Many people know that seafood is extremely beneficial for the human body. They contain large amounts of phosphorus and iodine. It is especially useful to eat mussels for those who live far from the sea and breathe far from sea air. Also, mussels have great benefits.

All the benefits are included

To understand how mussels are beneficial for men, it is worth understanding the chemical composition of these mollusks. The useful vitamin composition of the product represents the entire group of B vitamins. These components have a beneficial effect not only on the male reproductive system, but also on the functions of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Also, shellfish contain the following vitamins: E, C, D.

Also, mussels are considered a source of protein. And protein is the main building material for muscle tissue. In addition, the protein is involved in the process of spermatogenesis. Also, the seafood delicacy has a large amount of the following beneficial substances:

  • Manganese;
  • Selenium;
  • Iron;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Folate;
  • Omega polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • Starch.

Shellfish are among the low-calorie foods. Therefore, they can be consumed while following a weight loss diet or in a sports nutrition diet. Thus, 100 grams of gourmet meat contains no more than 76 kcal. And the protein level allows you to replace chicken or beef with this product.

How are mussels good for men's health?

The benefits of mussels for men are undeniable. What has always ranked first in importance for a man? Of course, this is potency. Good potency requires well-functioning cardiovascular system. High levels of polyunsaturated acids help strengthen vascular walls. Also, regular consumption of this product supports the normal functioning of the heart muscle.

If a man has weak vessel walls, clogged with cholesterol plaques, active blood flow to the corpora cavernosa is impossible. Consequently, the man develops impotence. Seafood prevents the development of such diseases:

  • Cardiac ischemia;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Hypertension;
  • Stroke;
  • Myocardial infarction;
  • Heart failure.

Further, it is worth noting the anti-inflammatory effect of the delicious product. Therefore, doctors advise all men to eat mussels to prevent arthrosis, arthritis, and osteochondrosis. In addition, the beneficial composition has a beneficial effect on the skeletal system, strengthening it. Eating mussels normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland, which is important for the endocrine and reproductive systems.

Selenium is very useful for the male body. This component has a preventive effect on oncological pathologies. Its sufficient level neutralizes the pathogenic effects of free radicals. Thus, doctors advise regularly consuming mussels to prevent the development of prostate adenoma and prostate cancer.

The benefits of mussels for male potency

Shellfish belongs to the list of aphrodisiac products. Therefore, a light romantic seafood dinner will allow you to continue the night. To stabilize a stable and long-lasting erection, it is recommended to consume such meat twice a week. In addition, a large number of medications and dietary supplements contain mussel extract.

Mussels are no less useful for spermatogenesis:

  • Sperm quality improves;
  • The number of motile sperm increases;
  • The process of ejaculate formation is improved;
  • Restoring normal synthesis of the sex hormone testosterone.

It is protein in combination with zinc that ensures the full functioning of the male reproductive system. If a man has a zinc deficiency, male infertility is very often diagnosed. Thus, eating mussels and other seafood helps prevent infertility. By including the delicacy in your diet during the period of conceiving a child, the chances of a successful pregnancy increase significantly.

The benefits of mussels for athletes

The benefits of mussels for men involved in sports are undeniable. Low calorie, high protein levels promote rapid muscle growth. Especially if such nutrition is combined with physical activity. Also, protein takes an active part in the process of testosterone production. It is better for athletes to consume shellfish boiled rather than fried.

Who can be harmed by mussels?

Despite the great benefits of the product, not every man can consume shellfish. Thus, mussels, like any other seafood, are contraindicated for people prone to food allergies. To check this, you need to start consuming shellfish with small portions. If the body does not show reactions in the form of urticaria, nausea, Quincke's edema, the delicacy can be safely included in the diet.

It is very important to consider the location where the mussels were caught. The fact is that mollusks, like a sponge, absorb all the dirt, germs, bacteria, even poisons. Therefore, consumption of such a product will cause serious harm to the body, in particular the digestive and immune systems. To avoid such consequences, it is useful to buy mussels that have already been peeled, without shell. In all other cases, seafood only benefits the male body.

The mussel is a bivalve mollusk resembling an oyster in appearance with a wedge-oval shell. This invertebrate creature lives in many parts of the World Ocean, in fresh water bodies and even on special farms. In the article we will describe the properties of mussels, the benefits and harms of this seafood gift for the body, and the features of choosing high-quality seafood.

Where do the bivalves on our table come from?

Depending on the habitat of the invertebrate, several types are distinguished:

  • Black Sea mussel;
  • Gray's clam living in the Sea of ​​Japan;
  • Edible mussel, common along the European Atlantic coast;
  • River clam;
  • Other types.

Due to its wide distribution, high growth rate and valuable meat properties, the mussel is a popular fishery item. It most often comes to the store in canned, pickled or boiled-frozen form.

Nutritional value and composition of mussels

With a low calorie content (77 kcal/100 g), the product includes a wide range of valuable components.

Nutrients Per 100 g of product From the daily norm
Squirrels 11.5 g 5,41 %
Fats 2 g 14,02 %
Carbohydrates 3.3 g 3,08 %
Vitamin A 60 mcg 6,7 %
Vitamin B1 0.1 mg 6,7 %
Vitamin B2 0.14 mg 7,8 %
Vitamin E 0.9 mg 6%
Vitamin C 1 mg 1,1 %
Potassium 310 mg 12,4 %
Iron 3.2 mg 17,8 %
Phosphorus 210 mg 26,3 %
Magnesium 30 mg 7,5 %
Sodium 290 mg 22,3 %
Selenium 89.6 mcg 100 %
Calcium 33 mg 3,3 %

Such a diverse composition of mussels determines their properties, ensuring the benefits of the product for the body.

Properties of mussels: health benefits and harms

Mussels are widely used in cooking. They can be canned, steamed, smoked, marinated in brine with vinegar or oil, fried and boiled. At the same time, the calorie content of the product changes slightly, and its properties that affect health are preserved.

The beneficial effects of shellfish on the body

Being a storehouse of valuable substances, mussels produce a positive effect on the body:

The dangers of eating shellfish

Instead of the expected benefits, mussels will cause harm to health if a person has allergies. According to recent studies, about 15% of people on Earth have allergic reactions to shellfish (and both marine and river species can cause a negative effect).

Those who suffer from poor blood clotting should not eat invertebrates. For people with such a disorder, the gift of the sea, known for its ability to thin the blood, will bring nothing but harm.

The mollusk passes a large amount of water through itself, as a result of which some poisons and microorganisms dissolved in it accumulate in its body and on the shell flaps. For this reason, mussels that live in environmentally unfavorable places cause a lot of harm to human health. You need to be especially careful when eating river shellfish, since the fresh water where it lives can contain dangerous bacteria.

The risk may also lie in the low quality of the product itself or the brine in which it is pickled. Expired seafood, violations of storage conditions, errors in brine preparation are common causes of poisoning.

Rules to reduce health risks when eating mussels

To ensure that the benefits of Black Sea invertebrates are not negated, this product should be consumed in moderation. Nutritionists recommend eating shellfish no more than 2-3 times a week in 200 g portions.

When choosing mussels at the supermarket, it is important to make sure that the seafood shells are tightly closed. Products with chips on the shells or a white coating on them are harmful to the body.

When purchasing marinated mussels, you need to pay attention to the brine in the jar with the product. A high-quality marinade is transparent and does not contain clots or debris. In addition, you need to examine the jar of shellfish to be sure that the product is not expired and does not contain preservatives, GMOs or dyes.

If the appearance of the product in the store causes concern, it is better to refuse the purchase, in order to avoid harm to health, and marinate the mussels with your own hands.

To prepare the brine, you will need a liter of boiling water, salt, onion and pepper in pods (1-2 pcs.). Place the ingredients in water and leave to simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Then put half a kilo of mussels into the brine and cook them for 3 minutes. Next, cut a clove of garlic and put it in a jar. We also send seafood removed from the brine there. Pour 200 ml of vegetable oil into a jar. We are waiting for 12 hours. After this period of time, a product with a calorie content of approximately 130 kcal/100 g will be ready.

To ensure that nutritious shellfish does not cause harm to health and helps diversify the diet for the benefit of the body, you need to select and prepare it, observing safety precautions.